Samstag, 25. Juli 2009


Last saturday we had tickets for the "Lichterfest" (lightfestival) at the Schlosspark in Schwetzingen. All of us went there and we had a lot of fun. There were lampions everywhere, good music, lovely food and lots of people enjoying their time.

Lampions where ever we went. It was such a beautiful sight by the time it got dark.

We brought Malte in a special baby back sack. Not only because we wanted to test how he would do in that thing, also because while sitting in the buggy he only would have seen legs and legs and legs....

Lotte and Hilde queuing for some face painting.

Remco and Malte watching a clown show while the girls are queuing.
Guess how long we queued?
1 and 1/2 hours. The most fascinating about it? The girls did not complain, nor fight, neither got fuzzy. They just were queuing for something that needed to be off their faces before getting to bed 3 hours later!

Hilde ended up being a beautiful flower girl.

And Lotte decided that she wanted to become a beautiful butterfly. I would say: the lady did a great job as both of the girls looked really gorgeous.

Butterfly meets flowers.

Malte took a very short time out. He woke up right before the fireworks started. It was a really swelling one I can tell you.

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