On Thursday we made a trip to Globus. A very big grocery store where we expected to get a lot of things you can´t get in a "normal" German store but we were not really successful. Anyway, the store was big and we did a lot of "normal" shopping.
Missing anything?
Wednesday night, the day Moniek, Tim and Bette came, was quite exciting. Lotte had a big issue on her first wiggling front tooth. It was kind of alsmost falling out but then also kind of not
In the end Remco suggested to turn the tooth around and around so that it would come out but that wasn´t successful either. In the end Remco pulled it out as I couldn´t stand to look at it or touch it.
Being served by his Godmother.
See how proud he is?
A tradition. Before we seperate we always take a picutre of at least the kids. This one could be titled: What´s wrong Malte?
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