Sonntag, 10. August 2008

Summer holiday impressions 2008

This year we have been camping in the Black Forest. We had beautiful weather and did a lot of lovely day trips. The most exciting trip was the one to the EuropaPark with the Van den Bosch family. The kids loved it!

Visit to Freiburg - Picture taken on top of the Münster! Both, Lotte and Hilde, walked up and down.

Daytrip to the Schluchsee. Here we spent a hot day at the swimming pool and in the lake.

Lotte while playing badminton. Her new favoriete sport.
The Van den Bosch family joined us at the camping for several days. We had lots of fun together and visited the pool each day.

M&M (one of both 11 weeks old, the other approx. 2138 - guess who!)

The day we went back home, the Van den Boschs left to Luxemburg. Prince Tim took the place in the front!

Back home we had a lovely welcome by our now really sunny sunflowers.

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